International Professional Development Programmes

Open space quotes and post-it notes stuck to two big cardboard displays, reading things like 'Whatever happens is the only thing that could have' and 'When it's over it's over'.

Set up in 2022, the main objective of this working group is to exchange on how to best design / conceptualise professional development programmes that can empower artists and cultural professionals to develop their careers internationally.

This working group builds on experiences gained through the ERASMUS+ project Learning Trajectories and the learning of the handbook for designing professional development programmes, with an international focus for live art workers (produced by On the Move).

This working group is driven by the importance of complementing access to information with specific professional development programmes that are sufficiently contextualised to equip artists and culture professionals to act internationally.

The group met three times in 2022 and had the opportunity to hear more from different programmes such as the Forecast mentoring project for audacious minds, the CIFAS Producers’ Academy, MEWEM Europa, MEWEM Romania, and the NB8 Nordic Circle mentoring programme.

Members are mentioned in an indicative way. More On the Move’s members are free to join the sessions.


Photo by Margherita Caprilli. Life on Mars event, organised by International gateway (October 2022).