
On the Move is for everyone. We aim to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA rating, but fall short mainly on the criteria for labelling text languages on multi-language pages (where we’re only partially compliant), and for providing captions on older videos (just a few of these). More details below.

If you have comments or ideas on how we can improve organisation and navigation, or have questions about our approach to making this website accessible, then contact

Website accessibility

We are trying to make this website as accessible as possible for all kinds of users. This means:

  • You can resize the website in the browser up to 300% without text going off screen.
  • Colour contrasts meet WCAG criteria on the default site. You can also change to very high contrast using the colour switcher in the menu.
  • You can navigate the website using your keyboard.
  • You can listen to website content using a screen reader.
  • Pages have skip to content links, and where possible semantic HTML is used to accelerate navigation & skipping.

If you need guidance on how to resize the website in the browser, navigate with a keyboard, etc. then we recommend AbilityNet’s resource My Computer My Way.

Technical information and compliance

We aim for the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA rating, but do not meet all success criteria.

The outstanding issues are:

  • 1.2.2 Captions: There are three videos on the site that are recordings of talks/discussions organised by On the Move. Two of these videos don’t have captions; one has live captioning from the event visible in the video image but not available separately.
  • 1.3.1 Info and Relationships: Some of the older content on the website creates visual structure non-programmatically. For example, instead of a horizontal rule, a page might create a line break using a long string of hyphens or plus signs, which will cause problems for screen readers.
  • 3.1.2 Language of Parts: The default language of the website is English, so this is marked as the page language. However, some of our pages mix languages (for instance, a list of calls where most titles are in English but one is in French). We try to mitigate this issue where possible using inline language attributes.

In addition, link purpose (2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)) is often unclear in our older content. This is a AAA criterion but an important one for a resource website. As such, we are working to fix this problem on older pages that are frequently visited.

Open calls

When we upload open calls to this site we mark the costs that the organisers cover – including access costs where these are explicitly included, fully or partially.

On any open call page you can see costs covered in the ‘Details’ block.

If you’d like to be notified of these calls then you can also subscribe to the RSS feed for calls covering access costs.

Suggestions or issues

If you discover issues that aren’t detailed above or have other comments about this website’s accessibility then please contact

We’d be very happy to hear from you.

This statement was prepared November 2020.