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Voices of Culture: Brainstorming Meeting on the Green Transition and Energy Crisis (Estonia)

A musician wearing a guitar on a strap looks up at bright stage lights through a green haze.

Voices of Culture, the platform for dialogue offered to civil society by the European Commission, is inviting interested organisations from EU member states to apply to participate in the upcoming topic on Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries driving Green Transition and facing the Energy Crisis. This fourth Voices of Culture topic 2021-2023 will reflect on the state of the art and generate recommendations for policy and actions for decision-makers on this topic.

Successful applicants will be invited to a brainstorming meeting in the European Capital of Culture 2024, Tartu in Estonia, on 15 and 16 June 2023. The meeting will be in person in Tartu only.

Why Tartu? Tartu has been selected for the European Commission’s mission 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 and is moving towards climate neutrality. With the artistic concept for the Tartu European Capital of Culture 2024 being ‘Arts of Survival’ these initiatives make Tartu a most inspiring destination for this specific Voices of Culture topic.

The call is open to representatives of the cultural and creative sectors and other relevant sectors (professional organisations, cultural institutions, non-governmental organisations, European networks, foundations, think tanks, private organisations, etc.) with relevant expertise on the topic Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries driving Green Transition and facing the Energy Crisis.

Organisations applying must be based in one of the 27 EU Member States.

Voices Of Culture covers flights/train tickets, up to two night’s accommodation in Tartu incl. breakfast. Lunch will be provided on the 15 and 16 June. Other meals and airport transfer will be covered by max 2x €30 per diem per day depending on whether you stay one or two nights.


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