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Visual Studies Workshop: Project Space Residency (USA)

Seen through a doorway, an artist is seated at a wooden desk in a bright studio.

The Project Space is a studio workspace for artists working primarily but not exclusively in photography, book art, film, and media art. Each year, a committee of VSW staff and outside artists and curators review applications and select up to 20 artists for 4-week terms.

The Project Space provides artists the opportunity to experiment with new work and new display strategies, and to have discussions with VSW staff, critics, curators, and the community-at-large about works-in-progress. An introductory event within the VSW community and a public talk or open studio are organised to engage the public with the visiting artist’s work and ideas.

Two artists are usually in residence at a time: a local/regionally-based, and a national/international artist who is housed in an apartment within walking distance to VSW. Each artist receives 24hr access to a private studio, a stipend of $1000, a $500 travel budget for those from outside the region, and a supplies budget of $250. Residents receive the support of VSW’s digital printing technician, program assistants, consultations with photography, book art, and media art curators on staff, as well as research support in VSW’s collections.

The residency is open to all adults except those enrolled in higher education programs at the time of the residency.


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