The deadline for this call has now passed. See the news page for more open calls.

Teatroskop Programme: Touring and Capacity building + Artistic Cooperation Grants

On a dark stage a man bends over backwards as a luminous white net billows and folds overhead.

Initiated in 2011 by the French institute in Paris, the French Ministry of Culture and the French Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs, TEATROSKOP is a program designed to boost the cooperation between France and South-East Europe in the field of performing arts in its most contemporary and audacious forms.

This CALL FOR PROJECTS aims to support the tours of France-based companies and professional artistic encounters in South-East Europe, while taking into account the sustainability criteria. Through this call, we encourage applicants to develop a sustainable approach to cost and project sharing, in order to achieve better cost-efficiency and to reduce the carbon footprint of the tour by reducing number of international flights and/or by using alternative means of transport. Furthermore, we encourage France-based companies and their regional partners hosting the show, to take into account the necessities of the local scene and to organize, whenever it is possible, professional workshops, master classes and/or other types of professional encounters between France-based and local artists.

Find out more about the Touring and Capacity building grants.

This call is open until 28 February 2021.

This call for projects aims to support the long term cooperation and collaborative practices in performing arts sector between France-based and South-Eastern European artists/professionals/companies/structures. Through this call, the organisers encourage applicants to develop a strategic, long term approach to project building, while taking into account environmental issues and trying to reduce the carbon footprint (reduced number of international flights and/or alternative means of transport).

Find out more about Artistic cooperation grants.

This call is open until 21 March 2021.


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