Shaking the Current Guides on Eco-responsibility and Ethics

Shaking the Current handbook covers, featuring illustrations of circus people joining forces to overcome obstacles.

Shaking the Current is a new series of digital publications made by Circostrada in collaboration with a broad network of thinkers, writers, researchers, illustrators, and photographers.

The first two guides of the Shaking the Current Series are the Handbook for contemporary circus and outdoor arts workers to navigate ecological transformation (written by Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio) and the Handbook for contemporary circus and outdoor arts workers to navigate social responsibility and ethics (written by David Márquez Martín de la Leona).

These two handbooks are designed to provide you with some general knowledge on high-priority topics, in this case eco-responsibility/sustainability on the one hand and ethics and social responsibility on the other hand - along with a series of perspectives from the contemporary circus and outdoor arts fields, while giving you a useful set of recommendations to make a positive change in your professional practice.