A Practical Guide to Touring Across Europe for UK Performing Artists and Companies

Cover for easy read version of Touring in Europe.

UK artists and companies can still tour in Europe and this is how!

Artsadmin have created a simple, practical guide to support and empower UK-based individual artists and small companies working in theatre, dance and live art to continue to tour work across Europe.

From insurance and visas to copyright and cabotage, the guide offers a practical step-by-step overview guide, case studies and country-focused details to help navigate the post-Brexit touring landscape and will continue to be updated as the rules and regulations evolve.

Commissioned by Arts Council England through Artsadmin, LIFT and 1927, the guide was written by independent producers and consultants Nadine Patel and Ania Obolewicz and is available to read and download in text, audio and Easy Read formats.