International Mobility: A Prerequisite for Intercultural Dialogue

Ferdinand Richard, President of the Roberto Cimetta Fund, presents a short contribution paper on the role of mobility in intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean area and the place of international and/or local funding to support mobility in this region.

Read his introduction:

““Mobility” and “intercultural dialogue” have become everyday words in the global discourse.

Yet faced with the urgency of political decision-making, nations as well as local authorities (or coalitions and networks of one and/or the other) would do well to take the time to understand these words, since misinterpreting their significance could have costly effects.

All of these governing bodies could engender a variety of political futures, some invariably antagonistic, but all of them at their own level of power will have to make their choice and strategy quickly in this regard.

The pressing question that requires some political analysis is “For what aim do we want mobility and dialogue ?””

About the IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook:

It is an annual publication by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) with contributions by international authors providing political, economic, social and cultural insights into the Mediterranean agenda from a diverse and plural perspective and with a wide selection of complementary data and information.