Exhibition Remuneration Right in Europe

Cover for Exhibition Remuneration Right in Europe - a page of text.

The issue of exhibition remuneration has been an important topic for artists’ associations throughout Europe for years.

In November 2018, a symposium was organised on the subject by Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK)*, the IAA Europe, the German collecting society VG Bild-Kunst, and the association European Visual Artists (EVA).

At the symposium an exchange took place on national and regional remuneration models that have already been successfully put into practice. In addition, current guidelines and campaigns were presented.

It was also an important goal to make policy and administration at EU level aware of the subject of exhibition remuneration and to draw attention to the ‘equity gap’ that exists in the visual arts.

Download the extensive summary and documentation on the symposium here (PDF).

Participants also received an extensive brochure with inputs from 12 European countries as well as from the USA and Australia on national and regional regulations and campaigns for exhibition remuneration to artists.

The overall page of the event and related reports can be visited here.