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- A Strong Ripple Effect: An Evaluation of the Korea-Finland Connection Programme 2010-2012Discover more about the mobility experiences of the Korea-Finland Connection coordinated by the Korean Arts Management Service (KAMS) and Dance Info Finland (DIF) in 2010-2012, through this report by Mary Ann DeVlieg and Judith Staines.
- European Cities and Cultural Mobility: Trends and Support ActionsThis study “European cities and cultural mobility: Trends and support actions” analyses the policies and actions implemented by large European cities to support the mobility of artists and cultural professionals. This study is based on the results of a survey completed by 24 cities in 15 European countries.
- Closer Look: European Cultural Networks in PracticeThe handbook offers in-depth information on the networks, how they operate and how they are formed with a series of examples; it also provides general tips and guidance on how to network.
- Le répertoire des dispositifs de financement et d'accompagnement du spectacle vivant en Rhône-AlpesCe répertoire recense un très large éventail des dispositifs de financement dédiés au spectacle vivant. Ces données ont été collectées auprès de différentes sources (Conseils généraux et agences départementales, services de l’Etat et de la Région, Villes centres, etc.) repérées par les services de la NACRe Rhône-Alpes. Des fonds de mobilité internationale sont également inclus.
- Guide des obligations sociales liées à l’emploi d’artistes et de techniciens dans les secteurs du spectacle vivant et enregistréCe guide rassemble des informations sur les obligations légales et réglementaires des entrepreneurs du spectacle (notamment dans les cas de mobilité internationale). Il est mis à la disposition des acteurs culturels du spectacle vivant.
- Amaze Me: Opera for Young Audiences in EuropeDiscover a European best of of productions for young audiences, both of new creations and repertoire revisited. Of well known stories and contemporary subject matters. Of participatory operas, cross-arts adventures, small formats and main-stage productions.
- European External Cultural Relations — Expectations from the Outsideifa organised the conference in Brussels on 12th December 2012 - proceedings are now available online!
- CLEISS - Centre of European and International Liaisons for Social SecurityTo facilitate the ever-increasing movement of people between countries, France and Europe have an international legal framework which ensures efficient coordination of national social security systems for persons moving outside national boundaries.
- 196 Residencies in France for Visual & Fine Arts ProfessionalsThe French Centre national des arts plastiques (CNAP) publishes 196 Residencies in France, a practical guide to residencies for artists, curators, critics, art theorists and art historians.
- The New Explorers - Guide to Dutch Digital CultureThe New Explorers offers a clear overview of the major players in the field of digital art and culture in the Netherlands. Get in touch with over 150 organisations, categorised in media labs, media festivals and game companies!
- Information on Entry, Residence and Employment of Foreign Artists in AustriaArt lives of international contacts, of border crossing and encounters with other cultures. Despite the availability of effective communication tools, the personal mobility of artists is still crucial.
- Between Crisis and New Beginnings - EUNIC YearbookHow can Europe make clear what it stands for? How can Europe show that it goes beyond words and takes action? What are the advantages of a common European foreign cultural policy? And how can Europe benefit from its specific capabilities?