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The City as Forest Residency Programme (Brazil)

A tangled nexus of tree roots - taken in dark conditions, perhaps at night.

The City as Forest Residency Programme offers immersion for research and experimentation, meant for artists and scientists interested in developing their work in the urban environment of Rio de Janeiro.

The programme will be organised in 2022, in its first edition, by the Goethe-Institut in Rio de Janeiro, the Museum of Tomorrow, Swissnex in Brazil and Pro Helvetia South America. This initiative is a follow-up to the online Think Tank created in 2021 by the Goethe-Institut. In this call, the organisers invite artists and scientists interested in the dialogue between art and science to sign up for the programme, which will take place between 16 May – 4 June 2022, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The residency will take place in the Laboratory of Activities of the Museum of Tomorrow, one of the most visited museums in Brazil. There will also be tours and gatherings in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro. The residency will be conducted in Portuguese and English and will gather a total of six residents from Brazil, Germany and Switzerland.

This residency promotes an immersive experience in the urban space for artistic creation and experimentation in dialogue with science. The initiative proposes to create and facilitate new narratives, as well as speculate on future scenarios on urban dynamics and their potential for transformation, through a multidisciplinary dialogue between art, biology, botany, microbiology, ecological studies, physics and life sciences.

In this environment, artists and scientists interested in investigating and establishing a dialogue between art and science have the opportunity to work side by side, broadening their views and working beyond the practices and protocols of their laboratories and studios.

Each selected candidate will receive: roundtrip tickets from their location, private or shared accommodations, shared studios, and R$ 3500 (~635 EUR) for food, daily transportation and material costs.


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