Building Diversity on European stages (France)

Photo of 6 people in the woods, 5 men in plain clothing and a woman in plain clothing in the foreground with a flower crown

Marie Le Sourd, Secretary general of On the Move will facilitate the introductory session of this afternoon of discussions related to ”the production and circulation of artworks” and “access to training and employment for artists with disabilities”.

The introduction session will allow to present the latest report, Time to Act, Two Years On, commissioned by the British Council part of the Europe Beyond Access project. Jordi Baltà Portoles author of the report will present the main findings of this publication.

The event is organised by La Bulle Bleue in Montpellier in partnership with Centre National pour la Création Adaptée (CNCA), Cyclorama, Occitanie en scène, On the Move, Printemps des Comédiens, Théâtre des 13 vents/ CDN de Montpellier.

The sessions are in French and English.