Art, Climate, Transition (ACT) Symposium - European Collaborations and Environmental Justice Pecha Kutcha (UK)

An illustration, a plain blue background with two people playing a game at a long thin table. Both are dressed in full covering clothing, one in blue, one in yellow.

As part of Art, Climate, Transition (ACT), a large-scale European cooperation project on ecology, climate change and social transition funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Artsadmin is co-hosting an international symposium over two days, from Wednesday 28 – Thursday 29 June.

On the Move will participate in a discussion titled ‘European Collaborations and Environmental Justice Pecha Kutcha (chit chat)’ with Yohann Floch (Director of operations, On the Move) presenting the work of On the Move alongside IETM, Art Climate Transition, London International Festival and more. Chaired by Róise Goan. Pecha Kutcha (Japanese for ‘chitchat’) is a storytelling format which emphasises images over words. Each presenter will have 20 slides with 20 seconds per slide, creating a series of quickfire presentations, to leave plenty of time for questions and discussion.