Events Archive

Graphic with event details for the Survival Social Forum for Dialogue.
Survival Social Forum for Dialogue
Organised by the Polish initiative SURVIVAL, the Survival Social Forum for Dialogue is a series of events focusing on the subject of artistic mobility and the impact the pandemic has had on it.
WSB University in Wrocław / Online, Poland
WSB University in Wrocław / Online, Poland
Arts Infopoint UK logo - name in simple text.
Post-Brexit Mobility Webinar

In partnership with Arts Infopoint UK, EDN - European Dancehouse Network is organising a first webinar on the impacts of Brexit on mobility flows in the dance field between the UK and Europe. This online session will focus on the new administrative processes that European venues and festivals have to perform when welcoming UK-based dance professionals.

Graphic of the word Mutations assembled from blue wooden logs.
Mutations : seconde table ronde, au centre d’art 3 bis f
Provence Art Contemporain organise des rencontres consacrées aux intervenant•e•s de l’écosystème de l’art contemporain : ouvertes au public, elles visent à situer des problématiques se posant aujourd’hui avec acuité aux structures du secteur, aux artistes-auteur•e•s, aux responsables culture du secteur public. Seconde table ronde : l’ouverture de nouveaux espaces physiques et digitaux.
Aix-en-Provence, France
Aix-en-Provence, France
Blurry long-exposure shot of passengers moving through a railway terminal.
Exchange: Cultural Mobility - Opportunities Beyond the Pandemic Context

Kulturförderpunkt Berlin is offering a work session, facilitated by On the Move, for people from arts and culture (artists, project leaders, curators, organisers), who feel the need to discuss experiences they have had over the last few months of the pandemic and Brexit. In this collaborative format we will share lessons learned from our past assignments and express fears and hopes for our future actions.

A laptop screen shows the participants of a Zoom call arranged in a grid. The computer sits on a table with a mug of something beside it.
Workshops on Bilateral Checklists: A Tool to Assist Artists Cultural in their Cross-Border Work
touring artists, Cultuurloket and MobiCulture, Mobility information points for Germany, Belgium and France, have developed – in cooperation with the Grand-Est Region – a new tool to assist artists and cultural professionals with legal and administrative procedures related to their projects between these countries. These workshops are for testing the new ‘bilateral checklists’.
A laptop screen shows the participants of a Zoom call arranged in a grid. The computer sits on a table with a mug of something beside it.
Workshops on Bilateral Checklists: A Tool to Assist Artists Cultural in their Cross-Border Work
touring artists, Cultuurloket and MobiCulture, Mobility information points for Germany, Belgium and France, have developed – in cooperation with the Grand-Est Region – a new tool to assist artists and cultural professionals with legal and administrative procedures related to their projects between these countries. These workshops are for testing the new ‘bilateral checklists’.
A lilac rectangle with a wavy Female Future Sounds logo in the bottom right.
Internationalise Your DJ Career Workshop

Organised by Future Female Sounds, the European Female DJ Summit is a two-day event focused exclusively on female and gender minority DJs from all over Europe. Marie Fol (Keychange and On the Move) will be leading a workshop, ‘Internationalise Your DJ career and Grow Your Network’.

Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
A Plan B for international cultural mobility: a series of online discussions on the cultural policies of European cities in the current crisis and beyond.
Plan B for International Cultural Mobility
Save the date for an online discussion with representatives of European networks – On the Move, IETM and Trans Europe Halles: about the challenges and strategies of crossing borders for cultural cooperation when covid-19 still affects our lives.
A wiggly white line crossing a red square, knotting in the middle.
CULTURAL IMPACT NOW! European Conference on Cultural and Creative Spaces
What does cultural impact look like, one year later? CULTURAL IMPACT NOW! European Conference on Cultural and Creative Spaces will take place both offline at Maltfabrikken cultural centre in Ebeltoft, Denmark and online to discuss culture, community and creative space.
Ebeltoft, Denmark
Ebeltoft, Denmark
An abstract collection of rounded shapes and wavy lines in soft colours. Looks a bit like a disassembled Mr Potato Head.
Revealing Contexts: A Meeting Point on Art & Social Action in Asia
Revealing Contexts: A Meeting Point on Art & Social Action in Asia is a collaborative effort of Mekong Cultural Hub, in partnership with AAM and more than 10 organisations, 20+ groups hosting small gatherings in their local area and more than 40 curators, speakers and other contributors.
Online / Local
Online / Local
London's Victoria Street curves beautifully into the distance - brown and grey buildings under a slate grey sky.
Webinar: Cultural Exchange to the UK After Brexit: What Happens Next?
During this online event DutchCulture, partner organisations and the Dutch embassy in the UK explore international cultural exchange after Brexit.
Artist Mobility from the UK to the EU – Country Focus France
Join Arts Infopoint UK and MobiCulture for a free online webinar session to learn about temporary mobility of artists and culture professionals from the UK to France. Both short-term (less than 3 months) and long-term mobility will be discussed.
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