Events Archive

The State of the Union Citizens’ Rights Conference is ECAS’s annual flagship event in its EU Rights focus area. Its aim is to take stock of recent developments in the European Citizenship domain and to provide a forum for discussion of civil society, decision-makers and academics on ways to improve the EU Rights implementation and innovate EU Citizenship.

The aim of this conference is to bring together the main creative and cultural agents in the province of Malaga to discuss different perspectives on how to work and integrate the international sphere into their realities.

Arts Infopoint UK is delighted that representatives from On the Move Mobility Information Points (MIPs) will join them during their next Coffee morning.
MIPs are part of On the Move’s network (see information and contacts here).

On the Move sera à Nantes le 6 mars dans le cadre de la convention qui lie le réseau et la ville de Nantes-Métropole (également membre d’On the Move).
Un premier temps de présentation et de sessions sur-mesure aura lieu en collaboration avec le Pôle des Arts Visuels de Nantes.

The European Parliament elections 2024 are approaching, preceded in 2023 by the mid-term review of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF), which might add extra resources to the EU’s budget for the second half of the financial cycle to tackle the era of polycrisis.
Culture needs to be at the core of both debates, and strategically associated in the collective effort ahead of the major democratic exercise in Europe. We believe culture is a fundamental value for democracy and that it is our duty to imagine the future place and role of culture and cultural heritage in Europe.

On the Move is joining Intercult for a short presentation on cultural and artistic mobility. Are you an active artist or cultural creator, part of a cultural association or just curious about what EU support is given to culture? Then the hybrid seminar “EU and Culture – which support can you apply for and how?” is the right place for you!
17.00 – 17.05:
Introduction with Europa Direkt Sjuhärad and Europa Direkt Stockholm (In Tranemo and via link from Stockholm)

This Public Forum is the final session of the roundtable series “Recalibrating the Compass: What future for Asia-Europe Cultural Relations?”, developed by the Culture Department of the Asia-Europe

L’Agence culturelle Grand Est s’associe au festival FARaway 2023 et organise une journée professionnelle dont l’objectif est de mettre en lumière le champ des possibilités qu’offre l’expérience transfrontalière européenne dans le champ de la création et de la diffusion artistique.
En coopération avec la Région Grand Est, les partenaires nationaux et ainsi que de multiples acteurs culturels européens et transfrontaliers, cette journée invite les porteurs et porteuses de projets artistiques à s’approprier les outils essentiels au montage d’un projet au-delà des frontières.

From January 23 to 28,